Thursday, November 1, 2007

Heyyyyyyyy... :=)

Ok, so first off thank you for visiting my you can see this is my first post. I am gearing this blog towards the things I am interested in such as: my thoughts, celeb news, interesting facts, and funny videos and what my readers are interested in. I am honestly not quite sure yet what I will focus on...but I know my blog will be one to come to if you are bored and looking to read and watch some interesting things going on in the world and on the web.

I am also looking to advertise on my site and make lots of money. I am a college student in need of money and I want to make it in a creative and fun way not working at McDonalds flipping burgers or working for someone else making $5.50 an hour. So if anyone has any advice on how to get my blog up and running let me know! Thanks..this might take a week or so to actually be up and running because I haven't been on the web or built a site in a while.

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